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communion worship.

Last Sunday at New Covenant we decided to take the Communion Worship Time up a notch. And a huge notch is what we got. We take communion on the last Sunday of pretty much very month. We do the "passing of the trays" style of communion, the majority of the time. You know... the silver plates with the little cups and the little wafers in the middle? (But sometimes we do it a "new way." The next time we do it the other way, Randy will post on it.)

Since we have been using a center screen for the last couple of series. Pat had a idea to throw up some images or clips from the Movie, "Passion of the Christ." While at the same time using the outside screens to display words or lyrics. The worship team sang the song, "Jesus paid it all" the North Point Live version.

NewCov WT - Jesus paid it all - During Communion.

Wow! It was a very powerful time of worship. You could see people really responding. Some raised their hands. Some just scared at the screen. Some did close their eyes or look down at the cup and bread. We were a little nervous about some of the images being to graphic for younger children in the service, but Pastor Jän gave us his approval before the service. We have used these clips in a service before and gotten plenty of negative comments. But that didn't stop us to show it again. These images really happened and this was not a service for children. And you know what? We got NO comments this time around. I think it is because of the way we used the clips this time. His body broken and his blood shed for us. It was a prefect fit to use during communion.

This post is a part of Creative Chaos, hosted by Ragamuffin Soul.


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